Wolfiepup didn't finish her banana the other day, so in the spirit of waste not want not, I offered the remainder to the wolfies.
Larry was a little taken aback but seemed to gobble it up happily enough.
Next thing I know he's started trying to raid the fruit basket in an attempt to eat more bananas.
LARRY: What? I just wanted some more bananas... they're delicious! |
After the first kick out it started raining outside, so I thought I'd let him back in. Within seconds he was back at it, grabbing another banana and slobbering all over it.
C'mon mummy. Don't be a meanie pie.. |
We do not take food without permission, Larry! That is Theft!
Well it's not like you had them secure or anything. Finder's keeper's you know.. |
Hehehe.. beat THAT logic |
I don't need to. I'm your boss. No more bananas for you until you behave. Now let's go for our walk.
Aww you're no fun mummy. |
And anyway, you get more than enough to eat. So really you shouldn't be snacking between meals constantly anyway.
Wait, are you calling me fat AGAIN?! |
You should reconsider your words you know. You could give me a complex. |
Ooo now what's that smell? |
Is it? |
Could it be? |
b-b-b-b-ba-nana?!?!?!?!? |
NO. Larry. It is NOT banana. You are obsessed!
Hrmpff. |
Sheesh. No need to shout. It was only a question. |
Alright then. Let's do this walk. |
You coming or not?! |
What are you doing, mummy?! |
That better not be a banana in your pocket... coz if it is, it's got my name all over it.. |
What, I only got a pat?! Geez. Gotta work around here for bananas... |