Monday, September 5, 2016

Ginger's cone of shame

We went back to the Vet today. Wolfieboy has been busy washing Ginger's wound with salt water. I did it last on Saturday evening and swore that I could smell something off and worried that it was getting infected.

So we left pretty early this morning to go to the Vet. I hadn't actually looked at it last night or this morning before we left. So I was pleasantly surprised when the Vet turned her over and we saw that it was healing. In fact it was already starting to fuse. Amazing what two nights of salt water will do. I swear you could still see the gaping skin between wound and muscle on Sat night.

I swear.

The bandages had been an absolute failure by Thursday night. With it wrapped and secure around every part of Ginger EXCEPT for the wound. And I would have sworn she'd pulled out the gauze herself on Wednesday.

I ended up cutting it all off and trying to rebandage myself, but it got me nowhere.

I half expected the Vet to rebandage her today, but she was happy with the progress and said not to bother. I explained that Ginger had kept on licking on it, so she offered me a Cone of Shame, which I happily agreed to.

Ginger, not so much..

OMG Mum, do I *have* to?!
You don't know what they're going to do to me in the school yard..
 According to wolfieboy, Ginger and Larry didn't even play with each other. She spent the entire day looking glum, while he spent it around the other side of the house..
Larry: It's embarrasing mum! How could you let her hang around with me? She's ruining my cred!
Ginger: That's mean Larry. I'd still be your friend and play with you even if you had to wear the Cone of Shame
Larry: Stop making me feel guilty..
Ginger: But seriously, mum, did you have to?!
Larry and Ginger: This sucks.


  1. Oh Ginger your look says it all .. Larry be a more supportive friend !! I recall u in ur cone of shame!! Dare I remind u why u were wearing it !! "Snip snip"!
