Friday, August 24, 2007

Slip' Slidin' Fred

As we only moved into our house a few months ago, there is still lots of stuff that needs to be unpacked. In an attempt to keep the house relatively tidy while we do this, we decided to keep the boxes and other things in the garage.

Now that we've decided to make the dogs permanently outside dogs at night, the bf set up a barrier of sorts inside the garage with a wardrobe that fell apart.

In the last few days, we have come home to increasingly more and more shredded paper, etc. What they did was go into the laundry (you need to go through the laundry to get to the garage), and knocked down the laundry powder, travel brochures, and a book the bf was reading. They love that book. The spine and cover's all gone to shreds. I noticed a page half torn on the ground last night. *shakes head*

Last night was the worst though. They'd managed to push down the barrier, and had a field day in the garage, tearing up stuff. I guess it makes our life easier in a way, whatever gets ruined, we chuck. No ummhing and aahhing abt which things to keep.

They must've had SO MUCH FUN going through all our stuff. Coz it would've smelt like us, and they could've just happily sat there, dragged some stuff out, and chewed to their heart's content.


Anyway, I walk by the kitchen this morning (which shares a wall with the garage) and I hear this scrabbling. Oh no, I think. He's back in there again! And it's not even 9 yet!

So I look out the window to investigate.

Fred was sitting on the lounge chair outside, Scrabbling to get up it, and sliding, because of the material. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute. I ran back to get my camera, but just as I was lining the shot up, he spotted me and came over to say hi. =/

This is the only shot I got in before he came over.

As you can see, he's just getting off the chair. *sigh* it would've been suuuch a great shot. You can also see the scattered papers from their 'fun' in the garage, including the empty laundry powder box (blue) in the middle there to the right.

Rosie, on the other hand, is still too busy sleeping.

I'm tempted to see what Fred would do with a slippery dip. He looked like he was trying to climb one when he was on that chair. LOL. Sooooo cute.

Here is another pic, a little later on in the morning. I love how Fred cocks his head to one side, trying to figure out what's going on. He's soooooo dopey. LOL.

As you can see, Rosie's sock is off. We took it off the other night. It was starting to smell =S All she did was lick it...

She's walking better too, which suggests it's healing. It's still blackish red though.

Right now we're washing the foot regularly in a bath diluted with tea tree oil.

She's so particular though. When she comes in the house in the evening, and it's obvious it's 'down time' she'll sit there for a good fifteen minutes licking her paws etc. Such a clean doggy.

Fred's also getting bigger. We're putting him on adult food
soon. I went by the co-op on the weekend, and picked up a huuuge bag,
like 20-odd kilos for $28. Designed for 'non working' dogs. They say if
you own big dogs, the puppies shouldn't be fed puppy food, because
it'll make them grow faster than they should, since they have such big
bones. Usually they reckon you should hold off until they're over 6

We don't know what Fred was being fed before he arrived with us. And
it's pretty ambiguous as to how old he is. The website we first saw him
on said 8 months. But the forums that I've read which mentioned him (he
was on death row, hence all the forum talk abt trying to save him) said
he was 6 or 7 months.

Either way, we got him puppy food when he first arrived, and now that
that bag is just about finished, we'll put him on the adult food from
hereon out. He's growing sooo quickly though.

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