Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Rosie Joins the Pack

So we drove out today (2 hour long drive) to get Fred's newest sister,
Rosie. She's a great dane cross with bull mastiff, although the foster
mother reckons it's more staffy than mastiff.

She's actually smaller than we expected. Not to say she's small, only
small in comparison to what Fred will turn out to be. She's currently
slightly bigger than him. But not by much. And she's already 14months

We brought them home in our small Holden Astra, and they happily
cuddled in the back seat. Fred is so chilled. I was quite impressed. We
believe that Rosie will become the dominant dog. They play a lot
though. I think Fred loves the company. But he also likes lot of human
'down time.'

We saw another pretty girl at the foster place, but it really was too
much to take 3 dogs. My work colleagues are already starting to call me
the 'dog lady' (like the cat lady), coz I'm constantly on
checking out puppies. Y'know, I never thought I'd be a dog person. But
this is proving to me that I so am.

Rosie's a bit of a whiner. She's was supposedly really quiet with her
foster family. Took a while to bark etc. But since arriving in her new
home, I've heard her growl at Fred, and bark. Fred even did a half
whine/bark at her, when he was trying to get a tennis ball back.

Earlier, Rosie jumped up on me (which apparently she doesn't do) when
she saw me, mainly I think because she smelt Fred on me. She's quite a
sook, and is a Leaner.

I think that if we didn't have Fred, she'd get a lot more attention.
But while the bf was putting together the new bed, I was in charge of
both dogs in the house - wow.... SO much work. I don't think I could
handle having 2 dogs on my own, let alone 3.

We decided to move the dogs out into the garage. Fred's does ok in his
room in the house, but we're worried that Rosie won't adjust.
Apparently she was sleeping outside in her old place. So looks like
they're gonna be more outside dogs than inside dogs.

Is this cheating do you think? No need to properly housetrain, because
they'll go outside to do their poos ;) hahaha. But we're going to let
them inside in the evenings anyway, so if we do catch them, they will
be promptly sent outside.

Fred's doing well dealing with the new company, and he's constantly
playing with her. Which suggests that we did the right thing.

Of course what I didn't tell you was that we ended up buying a new car
(station wagon) so we could fit both dogs in today. LOL. We'll pick it
up on Wednesday. I know, crazy isn't it?

We just bought this house, so we have a big mortgage. Now with 2 brand
new dogs, and a new car to fit them in, you probably think we're
absolutely crazy. You're probably right. But hey - I got the two
sweetest dogs in the world.. so I can't be that crazy, right? ;)

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