Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fred and Chew Toys

Yesterday was the first time we left Fred alone at home for most of the
day. When we got back he ran to the back door to greet me. Awwww...

I took him for a walk, and OMG, he's terrified of anything. He's such a
wuss! We were greeted/chased by a little frou frou maltese shitzu
thingy, and Fred just scattered and tried to run faster. *hangs head* I
think he must've been in some bad situations before he got to the pound
where he was chased by dogs. Despite his size, he is still a puppy.
They approximate his age at 8 months, but the woman wrote a birthday
date of 1/1/07. Which means he'll only turn 7 months tomorrow. On
Dogster I put the date of 1/1/07, and it came up with age: 6 months.
The number just suggests he's soooo young! Poor Freddy. He looks so
big, but he's only teeny weeny. Bf's laughing that he's such a puppy.

I also bought him some pork rawhide chews yesterday, because I noticed
that he got pretty bored in the house. Pawing into the green carpet,
etc etc.

$4.50 for 2 pieces and he's already whittled down most of it.Check it
out! He spent the entire evening playing with it. Success! I've found
something to keep him occupied.

I only got worried last night as I watched him chew, when I read the
tag on the chews. Made in China. What was all that furore over pet
foods? I don't want him to get sick over some cheap chew foods that I
bought him.

Overall though, it's hard taking care of a puppy! We got woken up
around 2 last night by lots of pawing on the door, whining (and he
never whines), and then the crack of glass, followed by more whining
and thumping. =/ I was quite disturbed. Bf refused to let me go and
open the door. He argued that if we let him out now, we'd never get him
back into the room again. =/ = =|

After the sound of breaking glass I was imagining all sorts of crazy things, like maybe he'd hurt himself or something.

I let him out this morning and found 2 big piles of poo - one on the
newspaper I put down, and the other, across the other side of the room.
The broken water bowl was near one of the piles.

My theory is: he was trying to get out to do his business. When he
realised he couldn't, he had to do it in there. And was very sorry and
ashamed afterwards. He then proceeded to get the bowl and cover the
poo. Because the water bowl would've still had water, it must've just
seeped into the other paper. Although he may have covered the first
pile up first. I don't know.

But I'm really at a loss as to how we're going to train him. I don't
think it's logical that he'll figure out he isn't allowed to poo
inside. We let him out just before he goes to bed, but I think it's
going to take a while before it clicks that he has to poo outside.
Maybe he'll think it's ok to poo inside. Of course, who wants to sleep
right next to their poo? Having said that, dogs eat their own poo. So I
don't know.

In other news, we have the Great Dane/Bull Mastiff on hold, and will be
driving 2 hours on Saturday to pick her up. We need a new car. Our car
isn't going to fit both of the dogs in there. ATM, our car can fit Fred
in there and he lies down comfortably. I want to take him with us on
Saturday to meet this dog first. But the looooong trip ride home isn't
going to be pleasant.

Fred's slowly warming to the bf. Although when he tried to put a leash
on him last night, Fred backed away. I also bought some liver treats
and Fred's starting to learn to sit on command. But because bf is
playing a bit more roughly with Fred than I am (i'm still scared of
provoking him, even though most ppl say they've never met an angry
wolfhound), Fred's starting to discover the bf is a nice guy, and is
hanging around him more. I'm so jealous. LOL.

The bf laughed when he came into the living room later though. Fred was
occupied playing with his latest toy last night in the corner, while I
was sitting near the heater on the other side of the room, obviously
sulking. He thought it was absolutely hilarious. *grumbles*

I gotta get rid of this green-eyed monster.


  1. Gosh you are gonna have your hands full with two large breed crosses intriduced ti the house so close together. Look forward to reading more and wish you every sucess ~ you must be a bit bonkers!! I thought I was bad/mad having 3 dogs of my own and fostering and socialising puppies for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. Im making you a neighbour.

  2. LOL dogwoman. only just a bit dog crazy =)

    they get along really well though, so i'm glad abt that. right now they're both fast asleep together on the same bed =D we took em out on a long walk and they're both exhausted now.

    thanks for adding me to your neighbourhood. i've just gone and done the same. please ignore the first one though - i was signed under a different blog. *sheepish look*
