Both made from second hand quilts folded in quarters, sewn together, and then covered with a quilt cover that I had bought for $4 cut down to size. I'd also bought a baby cot quilt (wasn't sure at the time what sizes to get), and managed to fold that down to 3s and then could put it inside the matching pillow case.
In total the new beds came to under $20. A steal compared to the $50 beds I was eyeing. The material on those were so coarse, and the padding/filling was barely there. *Shudder*
It will be interesting to see what Ginger makes of them tonight when she comes inside.
In the meantime, I was busy fixing some things in one of the bedrooms, and happened to look out the window, to spot this:
Who needs a fancy new bed when my garden bed will do just as well, eh? ;)
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