Hi, I'm Larry! |
Larry comes from a rescue group after being saved from deathrow in a country pound. He was significantly underweight and super timid and shy. His foster family believes he had been abused. He even has a docked tail, poor puppy dog. Knowing how much joy Ginger has with her whippy tail, I can only imagine how much Larry is missing out - although he probably is used to it and knows no better these days. :(
This was his pound photo before they got him off death row.
And after getting saved and put into rescue foster.
oh, the indignity! |
Since then, he has blossomed and put on a lot of weight. Although I should probably try to put on a bit more weight on him. Bought a big bag of puppy food yesterday, and will do 50/50 for him until it finishes.
Larry and Ginger are getting along like a house on fire. Ginger has spent more time playing chasies in the last 24 hours than she has for maybe a month combined.
Ginger: I'm coming to chaaaase yoooou! |
But chasing goes both ways..
Larry: Not if I get you first!! |
Larry: Rarrr! |
After all that chasing, Ginger's keeping an eye out..
Ginger: Oh no, where did he go?! |
Larry: Woof.... that was quite the play. Need to catch my breath for a second.. |
Ok, all good now. Where you at, girly? |
He's giving as good as he can get. No timid dog here anymore..
Going for the pounce.. |
Larry: I'm Top Dog! |
Ginger: Sheesh, buddy. I get it! |
And then the tables turn..
Ginger: My turn!! |
Ginger: Bwahaha... No, I'm Top Dog!! |
After all the fun and games they chill out to have a chat
And try to get to know each other better..
Larry: So.. nice collar you got there.. |
Ginger: Wow. You really going to start with that line? |
Larry: What? What's wrong with complimenting a girl on her accessories? |
Larry: C'mon girl, lighten up! |
Larry: hey, you have a little burr stuck to your collar. Let me just... |
He's a smooth operator, that Larry...
So, Larry, what do you think of all this? Think you'll be happy here?
This place ain't too bad so far... Someone to play with. Lots of
snuggles with humans and someone to document all my shenangians. |
Larry: This gal's not too bad either... | | |
Larry: Give us a smoochies there, now.. |
Ginger: Whoa, there, Tiger. We've only just met... |
All in all, a fun day meeting and greeting and getting to know one another. Who says you can't find a pair of matching rescue dogs?
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