Elsie: "Yes? Is there something you want?"
Elsie: "Oh, go away. It's too hot to do anything, and I'm busy resting"
I spent all of my Christmas/New Year break at home. It was very relaxing. What was even more amusing was watching the puppies interact with each other in their pen while I was home.

Here is Fred looking pretty bummed that he has to be in the dog house while Elsie hogs the nice and cool moon crater.
I was both amazed and a little concerned that that was all they did every day, and I imagine all they do whenever I am not at home. I really need to see about setting up Doggy Cam to keep an eye on them while I am at work. It sure would give me a few entertaining hours of laughs.
Later in the day the puppies let out of the pen in the afternoon for a walk around the place.
Here the puppies are heading up to the water tank so we can check on the water levels.
Elsie giving hubby instructions on where to step and what to do once we he reaches the tank.. she's a bossy boots that one.
Up at the tank, I caught a few pics of Elsie checking out the tank perimeter. She takes her job very seriously.

I love her shadow cast on the concrete tank. She looks a lot rougher and you can see her chin whiskers! And in this one below you can see her tail sticking out. Too cute!

Here's Fred sniffing the air and checking up on my progress as I trail behind them taking photos

Fred: "C'mon mum! Hurry up!"

Fred thinking of dinner..

Fred following a trail...

and discovering my little nectarine plant growing in a pot full of alpaca poo. mmMmmM! alpaca poo!

You stay away from that pot you hear Fred!
Here's my favourite shot of the week. Taken after we got back from our walk. I like how her fur contrasts with the gravel on our driveway. Very arty.
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