Every evening when I come home I let the puppies out of their electrified pen and they run out and start chasing each other.
After their little mad dash for freedom they come back happy but exhausted.
Here is Fred saying thanks for letting us out:

And here is Elsie with her big happy smile saying the same thing.
I like this picture too. It looks like she's telling Fred what a great chase that was, but Fred looks totally disinterested. LOL

Over the past week I've noticed that Elsie has gotten quite chubby. Well, maybe not chubby. But she's filled out and feels a lot weightier. You can now grab hold of her skin on either side of her ribs and get a handful and a bit of fur/skin/fat. Elsie's a Fatty. LOL
I wonder if she's getting enough exercise, or if we are perhaps feeding her a little too much. I've already started reducing her meals. It also makes for our routine to be a little less tortured.
Every night both dogs get fed. Fred gulps his down practically in one gulp, while Elsie eats every. single. piece. of. dry dog food individually. She takes FOREVER. By the time Fred has finished, gone off to do his toileting, come back, had a drink and is ready to come inside Elsie is only just finishing her dinner.
Last night with her reduced meal she finished about the same time, and I think she was a little confused/surprised that she had reached the bottom of her bowl so fast.
Mind you it's probably for the best that she eats slowly. Makes her less likely prone to bloat which is something that hounds are partial to. But gosh it drags out the mealtimes something fierce!
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