So last time after dinner I decided to groom her a little. I wasn't really up to giving her another bath/shower, but I figured a brush would be nice. Freddie's constantly play biting her on the back and neck and then rolling her around the yard, so her fur gets wet and then matted with dust. ick. A brush was definately in order.
As I started brushing I noticed lots of fur coming out, and by the end of it, found it easier just to use my fingers.
This is what came off my fingers and the brush:
This was just a cursory brush and comb. I could've spent a lot longer doing it, and god knows how big that furball would've grown into!!!
To me it looks a bit like she's moulting. Freddie doesn't shed half as much. He has a nice thick dense undercoat and even after I tried the brush on his wolfie bits, there wasn't half of the fur that Elsie had.
Having given her a nice long grooming, she pretty much attached herself to me all night, and I noticed she was definately more affectionate.
I caught her the other morning sleeping on hubby's dirty clothes. I didn't really appreciate her doing that, and last night made a point of getting her to sleep beside me on the floor. This morning after the alarm went off I had a wet nose and a tongue lick my face to wake me up. Just once though, which is a nice change. A few weeks ago I'd have been woken up by constant licking and the shoving of a wet nose in my face.
She definately seems a lot calmer and more settled. She's also starting to learn the house rules a lot better, although she still hesitates to come inside, even after she's given permission.
I was looking at her last night, and I'm not sure if it was my imagination or not, but it looked like perhaps she's grown taller (!). Her feet suggests that that's as tall as she'll get, but perhaps she's got a growth spurt anyway.
Freddie always had the big puppy paws when we got him, so we knew that he would get taller. But her feet looked like they were 'adult size' in that it already looked like she was walking on her toes.
Anyway, it might've been my imagination or just the angle I was looking at her. I didn't do any measurements of her when we got her. All I know is that the vet weighed her and she came in at a measly 26kg. She's definately heavier now, although I still appreciate her being light enough that I can move her. Fred in comparison is a Big Lump.
Look at Elsie's sweet face...
Due to Freddie's wandering nature at the moment, both puppies are tied up on long chains during the day. Having each other means they keep each other company, but they're still finding things to occupy their time.
This is what I came home to last night:
I didn't realise when I took the pic that Fred was in the frame. I love how he's looking as if to say: "I wonder who did that.."
Here's the digging from the other side:
I don't really know what they're doing - hether they're trying to dig to China, or they're just wanting to redecorate/renovate their current premises.
Let's hope their landscaping results in something spectacular without toppling the tree onto the house.
Part of the puppies' routine is that when I get home the puppies get off their leads and usually have a big romp around the yard, after which they are exhausted and spend the night lying in the living room begging for tummy rubs and cuddles.
Here's some more playing shots - check out Elsie's teeth! I think she's having fun.
There's Fred with only one foot on the ground!
Here's some more chasing... I love Elsie's posture as she's running.
The puppies definately look like they're getting along and I think they appreciate each other's company during the day. Except of course at night when I'm home alone and one gets put out that I'm not cuddling them because I'm too busy cuddling the other one... sheesh.
Look at Elsie below giving Freddie a kiss. Awwww...
Here's the boy after a chase, panting happily. He's a handsome boy - even if I am a little biased ;)
Looking at him, I swear there is more white in his coat now than before. I'll have to go and dig up some old pics to compare to be sure. But it looks like his brows have gotten white, as has his shoulders.
What's interesting is that despite him getting desexed I swear he hasn't changed an iota. Given the chance he'll still go off wandering, and he's pretty rough with Elsie. He's also still super keen on the cuddles. So what gives?
In other news the wolfhound girl that I posted about earlier is still at Queanbeyan pound! I feel bad for her. I know I can't have three puppies, but after searching for so long, knowing that I can't help her really makes me feel sad. The dog rescue people reckon she's crossed with a cattle dog based on her markings and stumpy tail. Apparently she seems quite active but is still super friendly and gentle. It doesn't help that she looks so much like the 'look' I'd wanted when I was originally looking for a puppy.
Having said that, Elsie's wonderful. She's definately grown on me. Sure she looks like an ewok when her ears are up, but she's sweet and usually eager to please. She's also very easy on the eye when I have both puppies in the same room, since they have similar markings (down to white paws) despite her having more blonde and grey in her fur. It's nice having a 'matching pair' ;)
Hubby refuses to have a third (and fair enough I guess in the long run) but I really hope this wolfie girl gets saved otherwise she will be put down this Sunday =(
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