I managed to get my camera out this time and catch a few pics of them having fun.
Here's Fred giving Elsie a lovebite
Can you see her little nose there? Fred's got her flat on the ground and is biting her neck
Look at her cute little paws pushing his head away! And look at how calm she looks!
It's fascinating watching them play. She's so calm and willing/submissive. She always lets Freddie get her on her back and give her neck bites and never snarls or tries to growl at him in defense. She only growls in mock play. I guess I'm comparing her to Rosie again. When Fred and Rosie used to play Rosie would snarl and get back at Fred. She never really let Fred play Top Dog. Whereas Elsie just lies still and lets Fred do what he wants.
Here's Fred apologising for the rough play
Whoops! Or maybe he's just coming up for another rumble...
This one's one of my favourites. her head can fit into his entire mouth!!!! Can you see?
This is a good shot of Elsie. Gives you a better idea of what she looks like.
And he's off chasing her again..
Look at that cheeky grin on his face!
And later, running back up the drive when I called them - good dogs!
Elsie's been a bit hit and miss with the 'sits'. I'm back on the treats and she's started to automatically sit now whenever I stand still for too long. She's a cut girl and she's filling out. Especially along her ribs, although you can still feel her chest bone. Her fur also is a very good dirt trap. I wonder if it's because it's wiry that it can feel so icky so quickly.
I was giving Freddie a cuddle last night and noticed that he has two scratches on his nose! I'm pretty sure that came from Elsie. Naughty girl. Her claws are sharp - in fact she even managed to puncture my palm when I gave her a wash a few weeks back.
Poor Fred, his nose is starting to get lots of scars, what with wild natives like wombats and Elsie..
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