Sunday, January 29, 2012

Some Stalkery and Sniffery

A few weeks back Fred and Elsie had another playdate with the neighbours. To refresh your memory here are Fred and Elsie's two friends.

Rascal the Hyperactive Stalker

 and Dexter the Stick Chaser

 When we got to the gate both puppies ran up to greet me and then went about their way. Once I let my two in however, all bets were off as Dexter was excited beyond words to see his best buddy Fred.
They went off to check out the chook pen, ran circles around the house and then drank gallons of water before doing it all over again.

Meanwhile Elsie was busy sniffing the place out.

 Dexter: Hi Elsie. What you doing?

Elsie: Just sniffing some grass.

Dexter: what you doing now?

Elsie: sniffing some more grass.

Elsie: Hey! What are you doing?!

Dexter: Just sniffing.

*gulp* That's one fine mighty stare, Elsie.

Meanwhile, where's Rascal in all of this? 

Ah, Elsie knows. That wink says it all. Little do we know that that blur of red in the bottom corner is in fact Rascal's trademark red blur. 

Here is Stalker!Rascal showing off some of her moves.


Rascal: I've got him in my sights now!!!

Dexter: Hrmm... did I just hear something?

Dexter: I think I might get up and go investigate.

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