Harry: You puppies play rough! I'm exhausted now!
Fred: Yeah, I'm pretty tired now too.
Elsie: You two are such lazy boys
Harry: Right, that's it. I'm too old for this kind of malarky.
Harry: I'm going to bed!
Harry: I wish this bed was big enough for more than me. I wonder what Elsie's doing outside on the deck..
See Elsie? The deck's not that bad..
Elsie: How come I'm the princess and he gets the bed?
Fred: What? Harry's got a bed? How come we don't get beds?
Elsie: that's what I just said! Don't you listen to me Fred? Geez.
Elsie: Hey, I have an idea. Maybe we should petition mum for a bed to share! What do you think, Fred? Fred?

Elsie: *sigh* I think he's fallen asleep. Oh look there's mum. Hey mum, what do you think about getting us some beds for whenever we visit Harry? No?
mmMMmm.. let me think about it
Elsie: Well no need to shoot me down in flames.
Insulting the person who could potentially grant your request isn't really the most strategic move you know, Elsie.
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