Lots of photos today.
The puppies went in for their yearly check up a few weeks back. The vet confirmed what we already suspected. Our dogs are FAT.
Fred needs to lose about 7 kilos and Elsie about 4. We've reduced their food intake and they're a bit shocked at how little is in their bowl. Every night inside is spent scrounging around the living room and Fred has made a thorough deep clean of my carpet.
Here is Elsie looking very concerned at the Vet's Verdict.
Fred also shows his concern over the reduced intake of food.
The puppies now no longer sleep in our bedroom every night. Instead they've been relegated to the laundry when a few months back we were woken up by the most horrific smell two nights in a row.
Elsie had vomited at the foot of the bed. Let me tell you, nothing will wake you up faster than the smell of regurgitated puppy food...
She may look all innocent in that slumped posture but I assure you it happened. She's a vomiting machine!
Ever since they've been moved she hasn't vomited at night in bed again. Typical.
Perhaps it was just her subtle way of telling us that she wanted her own room?
Elsie: I can't believe you're telling them about my midnight vomiting stories..
Alright, alright then. Let's change the topic.
A few weeks ago a kind neighbour dropped off some mulch and alpaca poo for my garden. The mulch and poo was mixed up in the trailer, but the doggies have been very kindly offering their services to separate the poo from the mulch. A bit too generous and quick to offer their services if you ask me. I can't even begin to count the amount of times I've had to shoo them away from my poo/mulch pile...
When they aren't eating poo the puppies can still be found eating bones. I think they've managed to collect quite a stash around the place. Here is Fred picking up a specimen near the water tank.
And here is Elsie looking pretty bummed that he's got the bone and she hasn't.
Elsie: "I'm soooo hungry! So weak and hungry.."
No matter what they say though I can already see that Fred's looking better. Here he is looking nice and fit. A fine specimen of a boy!
Here is Elsie doing her daily neck stretches.
First to the left...
And then to the right..
And then just a *little* bit more..
Fred would join in but he's too busy meditating while chewing on his bone.
Elsie: What?! He's still got that bone?!
Fred: "Yup. Ha. Ha. And there's nothing you can do about it.."

Now when they're not busy watching each other with an Eagle Eye over bones and poo they're busy keeping an eye on me.
This is Elsie's version:

Funny to see such a big girl curled up into such a small croissant.
Now I would've taken a pic of Fred doing the same thing but he got distracted when he heard hubby walk into the yard.
He looks very concerned...

I love how his eyebrow is all raised up!
Here is a great shot of Elsie's reduced collar. I'm still very happy with it. Although sometimes I think that they're not as easy to spot as they could be.
I don't think Elsie cares either way.
Now when they're not busy watching each other with an Eagle Eye over bones and poo they're busy keeping an eye on me.
This is Elsie's version:

Funny to see such a big girl curled up into such a small croissant.
Now I would've taken a pic of Fred doing the same thing but he got distracted when he heard hubby walk into the yard.
He looks very concerned...

I love how his eyebrow is all raised up!
Here is a great shot of Elsie's reduced collar. I'm still very happy with it. Although sometimes I think that they're not as easy to spot as they could be.

I don't think Elsie cares either way.
Nor does Fred for that matter...

Last weekend I let the puppies out for a bit of a wander while I did some gardening. I happened to look up and spotted Elsie walking off with one of my plastic watering jugs daintily in her mouth. I made a noise to stop her and watched her jump a mile, drop the jug, which then spilled water all over the ground. It was pretty funny. Despite her size and confidence around us she's still quite a jumpy little thing. I don't know if she'd decided to pick up the water jug to chew on or if she simply wanted to drink some water in peace. Either way we'll never know now because she spilled it all when I caught her. I only wish I'd managed to get a photo of her sneaking away with it. She looked so sneaky and prim with it dangling between her teeth.
No matter what though Elsie does tend to push the boundaries when she thinks no one is watching. She still prefers to go to bed earlier rather than later. Some nights I stay up. I have my showers at night, and there's been a few times when I've stepped out of the bathroom to see her sitting near the bathroom door waiting patiently for me. I'm always surprised and praise her for it. Yet one night I happened to peek into the laundry afterwards and noticed that the bed had been disturbed.
So what would have happened was that the minute I went to have my shower Elsie would sneak off into her 'bedroom.' When she hears me finish she immediately hops out and sits near the door (because it's closer than sneaking back to the living room) and pretends that she was there at the bathroom door waiting for me all along.
Sneaky girl...
Elsie: C'mon Boss! Tell it like it really is! They haven't heard MY side of the story. Don't believe her dear readers. She's making it up!

No I'm not. I know what I saw!
Now I'm sure that Elsie probably has a lot more to say, but she's too weak and hungry to say much more.
Elsie: I'm hungry! Too weak to defend myself anymore. Anyone got any food?
Ah poor dears being on a diet. That's no fun!! C'mon Mom we need more food. =) LOL
ReplyDeleteLOL. Least they're still getting normal food. Just not as much. They should be grateful we didn't listen to the vet and put them on expensive diet food!
ReplyDeleteAnd we all know how lovely 'diet' food usually is... diet coke anyone?