Going through my camera last night came across some very cute piccies of the puppies.
This is my favourite of the girly. She makes the cutest faces when she yawns.

These were taken on a very hot day at home. I wish I had better pics but the puppies were facing the wrong way and the camera was pointed at the window. I tried moving the puppies for a better shot but they weren't interested, surprise, surprise.
So hot, so hot!
Isn't he a cutie?
Now, let's not forget Elsie.
Here's the thoughtful pose..
In the middle of this photoshoot Elsie decided that the most comfortable spot was on my lap.
Didn't see that clearly enough?
Everyone together now... "awwwwwwwww"
These were taken yesterday evening. I love how her bottom canines stick out.
You can see that she's definitely nice and healthy now. Quite stocky. Her fur's decent and she's filled out.
Who's a pretty girl?
Oh? Sorry I didn't quite catch that..
Sorry, I still can't hear you. You'll have to speak louder.
And of course, we can't end a post without a funny.
Here's Elsie caught in mid jump trying to get away from Fred. That or she's trying to show him what a kangaroo looks like.
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