Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Escape Artist

So despite my relieved concerns on Friday, Ginger has found another weak spot in the fencing. Haven't figured out where it is yet. She managed to do it so steathily this morning that I only realised when I was in the laundry and heard some scrabbling.

Some quick stern words and she was sent packing into the pen.

This may mean we will need to roll out the electric fencing again. Wolfieboy is obviously not keen, as with wolfiepup around it just makes for one more danger we need to keep an eye on.

Hopefully it's a crawl space she has found rather than her simply jumping over the fencing.

Not really sure what is prompting her to get out either. This morning's escape was random, as far as I could tell, and once I sent her back in, she is now happily just mucking around inside the pen.

Meanwhile, Fred's just sleeping it off. He really isn't doing much these days at all.

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