Thursday, November 26, 2009

Freddie the Country Dog

We have officially moved into our new home.
This means of course that Freddie now gets 100 acres to roam and protect.
Which means that there is a whole new set of adventures out there for Freddie to get into.
Yesterday we went out for a walk because I wanted to check out the Water Tank at the top of the hill.

Here is the cute boy caught in the act of peeing on a bush.

After which he bounded off down the hill in pursuit of something.

After I walked up to visit the water tank and check out the views, I started calling for Fred.

He'd been gone for a good fifteen minutes by then and I was getting worried.

I stood still listening intently for the sound of a puppy in pain. I eventually heard lots of crashing and wood snapping and then spotted the boy bounding up towards me.

I love how the pics capture him with this mouth open and all this fangs sticking out. LOL

Here he is after coming back, panting like a banshee and with his tongue hanging out.

This picture makes him look like the Luck Dragon from Neverending Story.

At least I think so anyway....

He seemed pretty happy anyway.

I also spotted all this yellow stuff on top of his nose.

I think he might have tried to stick his nose into an ant hill or something.

That or he found a HUGE flower full of pollen to sniff. LOL

Here he is later, resting back at the house. If you look his back paw is bleeding.

I didn't notice at first until I started taking lots of pics.

He had managed to scrape off half his toe.


I think he might've just landed on something without realising as he was running.

I washed it off with dettol and rinsed it a few times.

This morning it looks ok so I've stopped worrying.

Let's just hope he keeps his adventures to ant hills.

The last thing I want is for him to discover snakes =(

Here are a few more close up shots. I love this one - he looks so serious:

Here he is after drinking water. He practically drank an entire bowl. I have no idea what he got up to when he ran off.
And to be honest I'm not sure I really want to know. LOL

I LOVE this shot of him also. Again you can see that yellow spot on the bridge of his nose.

And another one taken from above...


And lastly a profile shot. Look at his fangs!


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