Monday, October 15, 2007

my poor doggie...

Rosie's sick. She's currently off her food and we're quite concerned. It only happened this morning. Makes me wonder if she ate something last night that she shouldn't have.

I will admit there's lots of plants in the garden that aren't exactly dog friendly, but I've been keeping a strict eye on said plants and they have never looked like they've been chewed on.

It's quite worrying, since she just does not seem interested in her food.

The bf just fed her, even went so far as to put the food in front of her (she's on her bed), but all she does is curl up and try to sleep.

She's obviously not her fiesty/naughty self. And I must say it's quite disturbing.

She's already had all her parvo shots (the initial and booster) so I'm pretty sure it's not that.

Freddie on the other hand seems ok. He's still chomping down all his food quick smart. This morning it looked like they might even have started a dog fight or something. She just kept on growling and barking at him. He spent most of the morning close to the back door, while she dominated the rest of the patio. But by mid afternoon they were back together on the same dog bed again.

Meanwhile, I've managed to catch something too. Am coughing constantly like my lungs were abt to burst =S


We might need to take Rosie to the vet this week. Gonna see how she's like tomorrow. Hopefully this is just temporary.


  1. Sad thing is, it will cost you nothing to see a doctor, while it will cost you a bit to get a vet to see Rosie. Hope she recovers soon.

    My fish is sick too, but no self-respecting vet would ever look at a fish. :(

  2. Fingers crossed for you.  Hope things turn out OK.

  3. poor sc_

    thanks bookmole.

  4. How is Rosie doing? Is her mommy better too?
