Meet Dexter:
and Rascal:
These two are very different dogs from my two sooks. They run around, play with sticks and are qutie vocal in their playing.
It was a pleasure to watch and experience what it must be like to own two very different dogs. I've never thrown a stick to a dog in my life. But Dexter soon sorted me out and very quietly hinted I might want to play with him by dumping a stick at my feet.
Here they are with hubby and their Boss playing with sticks:
Here is Elsie trying to figure out what the "stick throwing game" is all about. She looks so attentive like she's in school!
And if it's stick throwing school then Dexter surely gets an A! Look at that straight Sit!
And that crazed look on his face. I've never seen a puppy so excited about getting a stick!
There were lots of barking, growling and running involved. Here's Freddie taking a break from his playing. I love how his tongue's just lolling to one side:
And another quiet moment in between play:
I was very excited when I spotted Freddie trying to do a dominance romp. But taking a look at these pictures it looks like he was trying to mount from the wrong end. Does it still count if he's trying to mount another doggy's head as opposed to coming from behind? Or is it just about who's on top?
This picture made me laugh. The sheer wickedness in that smile from Elsie as she romps my way with Freddie busy trying to pretend he's Top Dog in the background is just hilarious!
Here they are later having fun. Dexter looks so sweet grinning up at Fred
And even later, some Boy Bonding Time:
Or maybe they're plotting together to figure out how they can get into the chook pen
Fred: Ok Dex, here's the Plan. I distract my mum while you head on over to the pen, and then I'll lead mum to Elsie and come around from the other side. While she's busy with Elsie we'll be able to make the Biggest Haul! Whaddya say?
Here they are all running together, with my doggies showing what rough play is all about
And this shot is just amazing.
It's a plane!
It's a bird!
Here are the boys again. They seemed to get on really well together. Interestingly Elsie spent half her time sniffing around the place and chewing on bones, while Fred spent most of his time being chased and romping with Dexter and Rascal.
No girls allowed, Elsie!
I reckon she preferred it that way. After all, she's a Princess Comfort Hound and doesn't really play with dirty noisy boys anyway.
By the time I'd thought to get my camera out she'd realised that while the boys spent their time playing she could soak up all the human attention without sharing. Sneaky girl!
All in all I'd say it was a very enjoyable playdate for all concerned! Even if Freddie still hasn't figured out the Power Moves for Top Dog.