Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Fred Swim and other interesting chronicles

See the red circle? They're allll the way over there...

So this is a huge thing, because in the last 18 months that we've owned Freddie, he has stayed away from the water. The last few times we tried, he just stood on the shore and refused to go in. And his weight and size being what it is, we couldn't convince him otherwise. But somehow or other we managed to trick him in, and since it was such a hot day, it ended up that I think he rather enjoyed his little swim.

Here are some earlier pics taken before the Freddie Swim.

Here he is with my nephew-to-be.

I like the second pic when Fred is getting patted, and he looks up as if to say 'Oh gee, that's really nice! Thanks!'

That or he's asking if he can have a sip of that glass of champagne on the bench.

All these pics of Fred's tongue hanging out makes me wonder if he's just super thirsty.

I really like this pic too, because his fur just kinda blends into the grass.

And finally, here is Freddie wishing you a very good Seasons Greetings*:

* NB: I am not held responsible for this pic.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Long time no update, doggies!

With a little more time on my hands during the Christmas/New Year break, I got around to getting my camera out more often to show you guys what my little beloveds have been up to.

Fred and Rosie had a fairly quiet Christmas, although we spent the day after Boxing Day down on the South Coast.

In typical fashion, I've left half my photos at home so I can only show you some of the pics I took. However, I must tell you some super exciting news - Freddie finally went swimming!!! I will post up pics soon. Promise!

The pic below is after Freddie went swimming. Sitting on the back deck he certainly looks like a big mass of a dog.

As you can see, he's slowly growing into his looks. To me he looks more like a teenager now. Here is a full body shot:

Here is Rosie ignoring us again:

And here is a pic of the dog pack...

The little jack russell is called Harry. He is the fiance's mum's dog.
You may (or may not) recognise him from other posts. Harry's a very
sweet and brave doggie. Harry's only small, but he is always wanting to
play with our dogs. In the pic below, Harry is showing doggie affection
by whispering sweet nothings into Freddie's ear. Or maybe he's just
giving Freddie a little lick.

Can you see the cobwebs around her face and on her shoulders?

Here is Fred on the way home from the Coast. I happened to look over, and got some of The Cutest pictures...

She's been super affectionate lately. I've been trying to give her a bit more attention, since I usually just lavish attention on Fred. Fred was actually quite put out the other night when I gave Rosie lots of cuddles. He just lay there on the carpet looking confused. As if to say "what on earth are you doing mum? Rosie NEVER gets cuddles. Only *I* do. That's the RULE."

And on the right here is just a pretty artistic shot of Rosie. Since she's so black when you overexpose the picture the effect is pretty cool. You get to see all her markings a lot clearer. These closeups just make you think she must've been SUCH a cutie when she was a puppy.

And here are some very cute actions shots:

I promise to put up the rest of the pics soon. Meanwhile, here's something to keep you entertained while you wait: